Acronis Drive Monitor, Monitor Hard Drives For Critical Events
Keeping an eye on the hard drives of a computer system ensures to receive notifications about imminent drive errors or other critical events that may affect the data on those devices. Modern hard drives usually support the SMART technology, which software can use to display information about a drive’s health. Acronis Drive Monitor is a free hard disk monitoring software that uses SMART information and the Windows event log to display important events to the system user. The program is pretty basic, which is surprising considering its size of nearly 18 Megabytes. On startup a summary is displayed, which displays disk problems, backup information and critical events. Disk problems are directly linked to SMART parameters, and the program will either report that all disks are working normally, or that problems have been encountered. acronis drive monitor Critical events taps right into the Windows event log and displays high risk events of the system’s storage devices. Backup fin...